When Time Is Right To Eat?
Fed a diet program that's all, and no results? You can try to program the body clock diet diet as the body clock alias. Patterns created by Lyndel Costain diet, a dietitian and author of The Body Clock Diet lets you keep eating a varied diet, but still slim.According to Costain, in fact the body has a rhythm that can regulate its own metabolism, appetite, sleep, and energy levels naturally. In the morning and afternoon, because they have to undergo activity, meaning the body needs food that can boost energy. In the evening, because of reduced activity, type of food that is required is that can make the body more relaxed."The types of food consumed at any given time, can give a certain effect on the body anyway. Could be good, could be vice versa. Depending on the rhythm of the body in food processing work related to the digestive system, which is different in the morning, afternoon, and night, "Costain explains in his book.Recognize the Human Body AlarmThe body actually has the "alarm" when it was hungry, and by eating certain foods according to meal time. You can control hunger. Here's a guide to eat according to the velocity of hours during the day.At 07:00 to 09:00Breakfast is as important as lunch. Just the number or needs to eat lunch in the morning is not as much. In percentages, the number of meals in the morning just about a quarter of the food should be consumed daily, which is about 400 calories from 1500 to 1700 calories per day.Breakfast fruit is practical. Many women who only eat fruit in the morning with the intention to lose weight. However, if you only eat fruit only for breakfast, actually not right. Fruits are good sources of vitamin C and fiber is good, but not a good source of carbohydrates. We recommend that you make the fruit just as a companion fibrous foods that contain carbohydrates, like whole grain breads and cereals.At 09:00 to 12:00Be careful!, At this hour the desire to snack is high enough. Do not be tempted to snack unwrapped chocolate before lunch. When you snack of chocolate and other sweet foods, energy can be siphoned off for the day.The best way that the brain can continue to work, introduce more drinking water. Dehydration can degrade the performance of several organs especially the brain, kidney, and skin. Additional fluids to the body, other than water, can also be from fruit juice, tea, coffee, or milk.At 12:00 to 18:00Not only the body's energy level can be determined from the type of food consumed, but also through the biorhythms of the body. This change also depends on the levels of cortisol, which can suck the energy in the afternoon.To conquer sleep, you should not eat too many carbs at lunch, because it can boost serotonin, which can make the body weak.Protein-rich foods, such as red meat, chicken, and fish such as sardines, plus peas, could be an option for lunch. Therefore, it could generate energy because it contains iron. Barengi by drinking fruit juice, because it helps the body absorb iron better and bioflavonid content of the fruit is also able to absorb other nutrients. As a friend in the afternoon. You can also eat a snack, bananas or boiled sweet potatoes.At 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.At night, the working capacity of the stomach slows. So, should you eat a balanced nutritious diet, but with less fat. For example, salmon is combined with vegetables and fruits. The number of food portions also do not overdo it.Because, when a glut in the evening, can cause digestive tract to work hard, and at once bloated stomach feel full.Excessive protein intake at dinner can also interfere with the time going to sleep, because it can increase the production of hormones and dopamine neropinephrin. As a result, awareness will increase so that you had trouble sleeping.21:00 pm - Until the morningAt this hour, your body is relaxed, but the cells in the body it is busy preparing food that is digested to be circulated throughout the body. In other words, at this moment the body is undergoing the process of regeneration and stabilization (replacement of damaged cells)So that the process runs smoothly, do not eat heavy meals duganggu with. If you eat a heavy meal, the metabolism does not run smoothly and optimally.To suppress the desire to snack, eat fruit that is easy to digest the body, so as not to interfere with metabolic processes.source
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