Rest It is important
Awake through the night and have to wake up early to prepare for all purposes is a common phenomenon experienced by many people. These conditions often lead to depression, effect on body weight and even premature death.Dr. Matthew Edlund, sleep health experts from the U.S. states, if you can not sleep, rest can be just as effective as sleep. Most importantly, how do you rest.Because, according to Edlund, although it often helps the patient to sleep more and better, but it was not always able to improve health conditions. He found, rest plays an important role in the rejuvenation of the body, although this is often overlooked."Many of us are so busy, so the rest just be a waste of time. But actually, it is a biological necessity. All the science shows that to survive we need a break, just as we need food, "says Dr. Edlund.However, the 'break' does not mean just flopped on the couch in front of the television. Edlund thought, watching television as 'passive rest'. Even though it looks like a relaxed, the brain will still work. While that is required is 'active rest' that can make you more alert and effective, reducing stress levels and give you a better chance to live healthier longer.Dr. Edlund describes four kinds of active rest: social, mental, physical and spiritual (using meditation and prayer to relax).Although it is not clear how long you need to do it, but he describes the powerful influence on health:A. SocializationThis is defined as spending time with friends and relations, and even chatted with colleagues.No matter how busy you are, it is important to do this in your daily life.According to recent research, socialization helps you avoid cancer, fight against infectious diseases and ease depression and reduce the risk of death from heart attack.Just chatting with friends has been shown to reduce levels of stress hormones and hormonal and psychological benefits. The good news is that sex is also considered as socialization.2. Mental breakOften you perform tasks simultaneously, such as reading text while driving, eating while watching TV, but it makes us lose the understanding that the brain is supposed to focus on one thing only. Doing so is clearly a direct effect on the nervous system, changes in blood pressure, heart rate and body temperature.One of the ideas of the importance of mental break is to get the condition of 'humble' in such a simple thing. There is one easy way to train you to concentrate.Look straight ahead, then turn your eyes up to the top of his head to stare at the ceiling. Next, with your eyes looking straight up, slowly close your eyelids.Turnover is very good eye as this will give the sensation of white in sight when you close your eyes.Then, continue to concentrate when your eyes are closed. Take a deep breath in four counts, and exhale to the count of eight.As you exhale, feel the relaxation spread from the back of your neck down your body until you feel it spreading to your toes.Now try to imagine something beautiful like a beach on a sunny day, or forest green which highlighted the sun. Imagine you are running in this environment.Then if you want to finish, let your eyes closed and breathing deeply and open your eyes.3. Physical breakThe best way to do this is to breathe a deep breath. Inhaling a deep breath as the lungs fill with oxygen, air and open space sends oxygen-rich blood throughout the body.Try this technique. Stand straight with your feet shoulder width apart, toes facing forward. Look straight ahead and try to align the ankle, knee, hip, and shoulder to an imaginary straight line. Rotate your shoulders forward and back, down and breathe in for four counts and feel the air filling your lungs.Breathe slowly to the count of eight. Listen and imagine the air moving when you breathe. Focus only on two things: keep your body alignment and breathing deep. Another excellent form of physical rest is to sleep (for 15 to 30 minutes) if you feel tired.A study in Greece showed that napping for 30 minutes at least three times a week cut heart attack risk by 37 percent, and a NASA study found, sleeping for 26 minutes can improve performance on some tasks 38 percent better.4. Spiritual RestBrain scans show that people who meditate are able to enlarge a part of their brain, frontal lobes fatter parts that control the concentration, attention, focus and where to do a lot of analysis about the problem.Meditation is also able to build the gray matter in the midbrain (which handles functions such as breathing and blood circulation) and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (important for the coordination and muscle memory is active). And also showed changes in the structure of the thalamus of the brain for processing the flow of information in all parts of the body.Pray to have similar benefits. U.S. research has shown that people who regularly attend religious services live longer than those who do not.Although some of these benefits must be in social relationships, brain scans show response in a similar way to prayer as well as for meditation.source
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