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Monday, March 5, 2012

How to Do Detox

How to Do Detox
Program detoxification (detox) is currently a prima donna. The program is believed to cleanse the body from all kinds of toxins or poisons that come from pollution, food, beverages, and other harmful substances from the environment. Many ways are offered to expel toxins from the body. But actually can be done in a simple detox program without strict dietary restrictions are much less expensive supplements.According to Katherine Zeratsky, a nutritionist from the Mayo Clinic, our body is able to detoxify the system without a specific program. Running a healthy diet and limit exposure to chemicals may also help the body remove toxins.
Step 1Check your pantry or your refrigerator. Get rid of frozen foods, high-calorie snacks and sugary, various spices, ketchup, mayonnaise, canned foods, cereals, yogurt with sweetener, and all the other ready to eat packaged foods.Step 2Begin to prepare a detox menu consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meat or white meat. To minimize exposure to pesticides, antibiotics and hormones, the consumption of organic products. Choose brown rice, potatoes or root crops as a source of starch.Step 3Stop consuming caffeinated beverages and alcohol.Step 4Limit your intake of sugars, including honey and other sweeteners are often used in cakes and other beverage products.Step 5Switch to cleaning products are more environmentally friendly. You can start by limiting the use of cleaning products at home. Set one day a week as a day of clean-up and during the process, let the children outside the home.Step 6Add a little exercise during your detox. Do yoga, tai-chi or brisk walking. You probably will not feel the energy in the body of the early days to detox.Because of this detox program should be done during the activityStep 7Detox program should dilakuakn while you're busy and low activity. Avoid starting a detox program when you have to travel or are working on important tasks that require concentration.Step 8Avoid doing a detox program that are as extreme as it is only drinking juice.According to Zeratsky, detox program as it can cause dehydration, fatigue, nausea and dizziness. He also did not suggest a detox supplement that aims to cleanse the bowel. It is better if you consult a physician before starting a detox program.

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