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Thursday, March 1, 2012

History of Keyboard

When this computer is no longer a novelty. Almost all levels of education and field work using a computer in the move. To be able to run / operate, a computer requires a variety of devices that support, one keyboard.Keyboard is a standard input device which is very essential in a PC that is used to type (insert) information or data into the computer and run a variety of instructions or commands. The keyboard has a very important role in the computer unit. With the keyboard, the computer can be used or carried out.The following description of a keyboard on the computer.Computer Keyboard

1. Understanding of the keyboardCreation of a computer keyboard on a typewriter inspired by the creation of a basic design made and patented by Christopher Latham in 1868 and marketed in 1877 by the Remington Company.The first computer keyboard adapted from the pit card (punch card) and long-distance delivery technology writing (Teletype). In 1946 the ENIAC computer using a card reader manufacturer's hole (punched card reader) as a means of input and output.When you hear the word "keyboard" then our minds can not be separated from the presence of a computer, because the keyboard is a board consisting of the buttons to type in sentences and other special symbols on the computer. Keyboard in the Indonesian language means keyboard or keyboard. On the keyboard there are buttons the letters A - Z, a - z, numbers 0-9, and the special characters such as: `~ @ # $% ^ & * () _ - + = /,. :; "'\ |, And other special buttons that total number is 104 keys. While on the typewriter keys tutsnya is 52. Keyboard generally rectangular shape, but now the keyboard model is varied.In the past the people who use typewriters both regular and electric typewriters. Well, the keyboard has a similarity of form and function with the typewriter. The difference lies in the output or display. When we use a typewriter, we can not delete or undo anything that has any type and any one letter or symbol you type in the result we saw in the paper directly. Not so with the keyboard. What do we type in the result or the output can be seen on the screen first, then we can modify or make changes to forms of writing, typing and other errors. As well as "mouse", the keyboard is connected to a computer with a cable located on the keyboard. Cable end is inserted into the port located on the computer CPU.


Keyboard was found in 1864 and then the design is patented by Christopher Latham Sholes in 1868. Keyboard to launch in 1877 by Remington Company and was first used on a computer in 1964. The keyboard as we know it today has a name taken from the official Qwerty first six letters on the home row. Home row is a term for the second row of the alphabet keyboard. In this row should be a user or a typist puts her fingers when not typing.Creation of highly influential keyboard of a typewriter creation. At first typewriter made as comfortable as possible for users, but as a result, users would be able to type at high speed. This makes it hooks into the characters on the typewriters are often caught.Sholes finally found a way to overcome this problem, namely to randomize the location of the alphabet keys on a typewriter is today. Finally, the composition of the typewriter is derived on the computer keyboard as the input and in 1973 opened as a standard keyboard ISO (International Standards Organization). As technology progressed to the typewriter and an electric typewriter to a computer, a random sequence of the alphabet still in use.The keyboard has a similarity of form and function with the typewriter. The difference lies in the output or display. When we use a typewriter, we can not delete or undo what has been typed. In addition, every character we type we saw in the paper directly, in contrast with the keyboard. What can we type we see on the monitor first, then we can modify or improve the writing and typing errors. Of course why the keyboard output is better than the typewriter.C. TYPES OF KEYBOARDThere are several types of keyboards, which are:1. QWERTY keyboard typewas first created in 1873 by the Remington Company for typing purposes. Almost all computers using this keyboard. QWERTY is one type of layout of the buttons on the keyboard with 104 keys as number keys .. QWERTY layout was first used on a typewriter made in E. Remington. Qwerty was not given the same weight to the fingers of his left and right hand. For someone who used to work with the right hand (right handed) left-hand turns only serve 60% of the time provided even when using 10 finger typing system, sehungga right hand will be more tired.The buttons are on the middle line of the most easily achieved by a finger right or left turns only suppressed 30% of the time of typing, so your fingers more often jump into the top row and the bottom line and this will cause a burden on the wrist For typing in English, which many use the letters a, e, h, i, l, n, o, r, s, and t (10 main characters), only 4 pieces of letters that are in the middle row and this will increase the burden work on the finger because the finger is more often jump up and down the line. Moreover, additional commands on the keyboard mostly located on the right side of the keyboard which means it will increase the workload on the right hand. Thus, the workload on the right hand fingers and the left can not be balanced tanga.2. Dvorak Keyboard typecreated in 1936 by Dr. August Dvorak. Dvorak also known as ASK (American Simplified Keyboard). Dvorak keyboards are created based on the principles of biomechanics and efficiency of work. The composition of the location of the other letters to the type of Qwerty is made in such a way that 56% there was a knock on the right hand and fingers to work more is the index finger, middle finger and ring finger. The letters are there in the middle of the line more often knock about 70% and of transfer between lines is only about 10% so tired fingers very much reduced. In the present study, the Dvorak layout allows for more efficient typing. But being late, because ultimately be subject Dvorak QWERTY dominance that has occurred in the organizations of the world at that time. They do not want to bear the risk if the change to the Dvorak keyboard layout. The only recognition comes from the ANSI (American National Standard Institute) which approved the composition of the Dvorak keyboard as an alternative version in about 1970.3. Keyboard types KLOCKENBERGmade with the intention of perfecting existing keyboard type, by separating the two parts of the keyboard (the left and right). The left and right of the keyboard are separated by 15-degree angle and sloped downward. Apart from that, the keyboard buttons Klockenberg made closer (thin) with a work table so that it feels more comfortable to work. Keyboard Klockenberg looks funny because it separated the left and right, and relatively more space consuming. Nevertheless Klockenberg keyboard is better in terms of reducing the load on his fingers and arms, so that the muscle pain in the shoulder and wrist are very sedikit.Dari three kinds of keyboard mentioned above, it turns out Qwerty keyboard is still proposed as the official keyboard. This is reinforced by the decision of the United States via Standard Institute in 1968 and by ISO in 1971 are set to continue to use Qwerty keyboard. This decision is based more on economic issues: reducing the cost of having to wear a new training Klockenberg keyboard type and the type Dvorak, so the problem muscle pain will still appear on the Qwerty keyboard usage.D. HOW TO WORK KEYBOARDAs well as mouse, keyboard connected to a computer with a cable located on the keyboard. Cable end is inserted into the port located on the computer CPU.Physically, computer keyboards have the same form with a typewriter manual / electric.With the use of microprocessor, the existing data can be directly sent to the CPU via the keyboard. The main keys that have had the exact same arrangement with a regular typewriter. Dibarisan located above the numeric keys and alphabetic keys underneath.In addition, well-spaced buttons placed at the bottom.If a button is pressed on the keyboard, a (spring) that is below it will push the existing metal underneath and cause an electric current can flow through it. This current is then received by the keyboard chip called a microprocessor. On this chip there are different addresses so they can know, which button is pressed. Electrical signals are then passed on to the PC RAM.At the same time the keyboard microprocessor also pass the information available to the interrupt contoller. Interrupt controller of this existing information could then be accepted by the CPU so that pertinent information can be displayed on the monitor screen.

A. FUNCTION BUTTON-BUTTON ON THE KEYBOARDF1 = widely used to helpF2 = rename, change volumeF3 = searchingF5 = refresh, slide show on powerpointF6 = addressingF12 = save asPrt Scr SysRq = print screen (to shoot at each display monitor)Scroll Lock = locks the functionality of a mouse scroll glidderPause Break = change the computer into stand-by conditionTab = skip some charactersCaps Lock = convert letters to uppercaseShift = change character and turn on the function symbols incertain conditionsNum Lock = activate the numeric keypad on the right inkeyboardHome = restore cursor position at the beginning of a sentenceEnd = melrtakkan cursor at the position at the end of the sentencePage Up / Pg Up = raise the screen per paragraphPage Down / Pg Dn = lower screen per paragraphDel = delete a character from the frontinsert / ins = to replace a characterBackspace = mengahapus per character from behindSpace = jump one characternavigation arrows keys = keysEscape = cancel an order phase[Windows symbol] = enable the start menuThere are so many buttons on the keyboard and so many were a function of each button. The following explanation uses a single key presses.In Ms. application. Office (especially MS. Word), there are some keyboard keys that have a function when combined or merged with another button. Below are the functions of the combination of a few buttons.Combination Functions forCtrl + A Select allCtrl + B BoldCtrl + C CopyCtrl + D FontCtrl + E Center alignmentCtrl + F FindCtrl + G Go toCtrl + H ReplaceCtrl + I ItalicCtrl + J Justify alignmentCtrl + K Insert a hyperlinkCtrl + L Left alignmentHanging indent Ctrl + MCtrl + N NewCtrl + O OpenCtrl + P PrintCtrl + Q Normal styleCtrl + R Right alignmentCtrl + S Save / save asLeft indent Ctrl + TCtrl + U underlineCtrl + V pasteCtrl + W CloseCtrl + X CutCtrl + Y RedoCtrl + Z UndoCtrl + 1 Single spacingCtrl + 2 Double spacing1.5 spacing Ctrl + 5Ctrl + Esc Start menuAlt + F4 or ShutDown close the current programShift + F10 right-click Alternative[Emblem Windows] + M to minimize all programs[Emblem Windows] + Shift + M to maximize all of the programs[Emblem Windows] + E to open Windows ExplorerCtrl + Alt + Del to restartAlt + (each letter on the character systems underlined) leading to the commandA. C. KEYBOARD PARTSFrom the side buttons are used, the keyboard has a less rapid growth since it was first discovered. Which occurred only a few key additions that can help accelerate the opening of the application program. The total number of keys on the keyboard is 104 keys, while the 52 buttons on a typewriter, QWERTY keyboard and the buttons numbered 101.In general, the structure of the keys on the keyboard is divided into four, namely:1. Type button (typing keys)Key type is one part of the keyboard that contains letters and numbers and punctuation.On the keyboard there are buttons the letters A - Z, numbers 0-9, and punctuation marks and special characters such as: `~ @ # $% ^ & * () _ - + = /,. :; "'\ |.Besides the shift key, caps lock, tabs, and backspace keys are included in the typing.2. Numeric KeypadNumeric keypad is a special section of the keyboard containing numbers and are very useful for entering data in the form of numbers and arithmetic operations. The structure resembles a figure composed of calculators and other calculators. Numeric keypads are located on the right side of the keyboard, which starts from the num lock key, to enter. A total of seventeen key.3. Function keys (Function Keys)In 1986, IBM added some standard function keys on the keyboard. This button can be used as a special command that comes with the operating system or application.4. The control key (Control keys)These buttons provide cursor and screen control. Buttons are included in this category are four arrow buttons in the button symbol and type the numeric keypad, the home, end, insert, delete, page up, page down, control (ctrl), alternate (alt), and escape (esc).The types of keyboard:A. Serial KeyboardUsing the DIN 5 male and is usually used on AT type computer.Serial port on the keyboard2. Keyboard PS / 2Typically used on ATX computer and is currently the most widely used. Installation of this type of keyboard to be carried out carefully, because the port is owned equally by the port for the mouse.PS2 keyboard port and the connector on the motherboard3. Wireless KeyboardAs the name implies, this type does not use the keyboard as a liaison between the keyboard cable to the computer. Type of connection used is infra red, wifi or bluetooth.To connect the keyboard to the computer, it takes the transmitter and receiver unit.Transmitter unit is usually found on the keyboard itself, while the recipient is usually installed on a USB or serial port on the CPU.Wireless keyboard and mouse4. USB KeyboardThe latest computers are now widely with access to the types of USB connectors that ensure faster data transferUSB connectorProblems on computer keyboardProblems such as damage to a few keys on the keyboard (keyboard) computer is indeed rare, but not wrong when we know in advance if someday we find a problem like this.The problem is trivial, but when viewed from the requirement at the time of typing then this problem is a huge problem because it might hamper the work we are doing.Let's say while typing something and then all of a sudden one of the keys on your keyboard is misbehaving and has not issued at the time of typed text. For masalahg like this, we are equipped with on-screen keyboard by windows operating systems (particularly Windows XP).Sure, using the on-screen keyboard is not as easy to use manual keyboard (physical keyboard), but in the constriction should also know the benefits of on-screen keyboard to overcome the problems that needed immediate resolution step.Or may also be able to avoid keylogger because we do not use a keyboard typing but a mouse click. (I myself do not know whether or not recorded by keylogger for keystrokes from the keyboard or not), perhaps even entering a PIN or password for online transactions.The second problem occurs on the keyboardCause:Other damage that often occurs on the keyboard is often stuck to the keyboard keys pressed, or the keyboard keys pressed on. It may be caused by dust that has accumulated on the sidelines of the keyboard keys keyboard, causing jams.Solution:To fix this, need to be done cleaning the keyboard. The keyboard can be cleaned by sucking or spraying them with a vacuum cleaner or can use a brush. And also can be cleaned using a cloth moistened with cleaning fluid or alcohol. Remember that the cleaning process should be done when the computer turns off and the keyboard is removed from the port.History of Computers QWERTY KeyboardHave you ever thought why a keyboard layout that everyday we use are generally made with such an arrangement. And what do you think that such an arrangement is the most efficient ever created so that we will be much easier and faster for us to type.Well, the keyboard layout commonly used today (QWERTY) is actually one of the most inefficient arrangement that is intended to allow us, we can type more slowly. Why is that? Here it is the history of keyboard layout ..This relates to the history of the typewriter that was found earlier by Christopher Latham Sholes (1868). When creating a prototype typewriter before, even so allows us to type faster.Too quickly the possibility of typing it, to the extent that problems often arise at the time.Often when the button is pressed, the trunks of letters (slug) that hit the tape was experiencing a mechanical failure, which is more often caused because the rods each hook (jamming).Confused thinking about the solution at the time, Christopher Latham Sholes would mess up the sequence in such a way to found a combination that is considered the most difficult to use in typing. The goal is clear, to avoid mechanical errors that often occur earlier.Finally, the composition of the typewriter is derived on the computer keyboard as the input and in 1973 opened as a standard keyboard ISO (International Standards Organization).Actually there are some standard keyboard layout used today. Call it the ASK (American Simplified Keyboard), commonly called Dvorak discovered by Dr. August Dvorak around 1940.In the present study, the Dvorak layout allows us to type more efficiently. But maybe being late, because ultimately be subject Dvorak QWERTY dominance that has occurred in the organizations of the world at that time and they do not want to risk a rush when changing to the Dvorak keyboard layout.Comparison between the efficiency of typing the QWERTY keyboard (left) and Dvorak keyboard (right)The only recognition is coming from ANSI (American National Standard Institute) which approved the Dvorak keyboard layout as a version of "alternative" around the year 1970.Other keyboard arrangement that is still the development of the QWERTY layout is QWERTZ are used in countries such as Hungary, Germany, Switzerland, etc.. AZERTY French and Belgian state, QZERTY, etc..If you want to know, what the heck is shaped like a QWERTY keyboard apart? Ya i love the picture:NOTE: If the picture is less clear, just click to enlarge.This is the familiar QWERTY board's useIf this board AZERTY (If added Bilbina rich artist jd ^ ^)This board QWERTZ (like name brand watches from Japan huh? -> QUARTZ) ^ ^Dvorak who is board with three versions, for two-handed, right-handed and left-handed.Models such as the Dvorak keyboard is only in certain electronic machines made in Europe.If that is the QWERTY keyboard as well as a mouse.

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