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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Top 10 Most Expensive Luxury Food

Top 10 Most Expensive Luxury Food

There are some luxury foods whose price is very high and you may be hard to get. Or maybe you have not seen most expensive food ever. Although sometimes it is not unreasonable, below is a sumptuous meal as a food worthy of the expensive not because of its taste is delicious, but also materials - food that is difficult to obtain. In this atikel there are several foodstuffs whose prices change with the seasons change.Consider the tenth-value luxury foods high on the list.1. Beluga Caviar
Beluga caviar
Beluga caviar image from flickrBeluga Caviar is among the most expensive food sati can you find the price range of USD5000 or around Rp. 50 million; per kilogram. Caviar is the eggs of the Beluga Sturgeon fish commonly found in the Caspian sea. Beluga fish takes up to 20 years to mature and produce eggs. An adult beluga weight bias up to 2 tons. Very large is not it?What is the most expensive delicacy known in the world and is found in the sea? The answer is Beluga Caviar- Excerpt from www.caviar-guide.comThe eggs of the Beluga Sturgeon fishing is the largest eggs are used as caviar. In general, the color of Beluga eggs are purple to black. Specifies the color of the price of caviar. Pucatlah colored eggs that are most highly prized. Do not expect to get caviar in large portions because the food is very expensive. Interested to try?2. Saffron
saffron atau sarang burung
Saffon image from googleSaffron is the second food material of great value. Saffron can change the price of change with the seasons. Saffron is usually sold at a price per-pound or approximately USD2000 Rp.20.000.000;. Saffron appreciated very expensive because the food is usually used as a spice is very difficult to obtain. The color of saffron is bright yellow with a scent like the smell of hay. Do not be fooled by the smell of food because of this widely used to flavor a variety of sumptuous food.3. White Truffle
Truffles Putih
White truffles from google imageEver heard of the white truffle? If you never know what kind of truffles that, you certainly know how the shape of mushrooms. Truffle has betuk very similar to the fungus. The difference is the smell of truffles as a very distinctive smell of fried walnuts. Interestingly, not everyone can distinguish the scent of white truffle and mushroom odor of normal.4. Kobe Beef
Daging Sapi Kobe
Kobe Beef from google imageYou'll often eat meat. But do you know about the most expensive meat in the world?World's most expensive beef is Kobe beef. Kobe is a city in Japan that produces high quality beef. What distinguishes this beef with the usual beef? You must tercengan Kobe beef because cows always get special treatment. Kobe beef cows always massaged regularly in order to produce tender meat and the fat evenly. Price from Kobe beef to reach USD300 per half kilogram, or about RP.3.000.000 Try and experience yourself the sensation of Kobe beef is tender.5. Bird's Nest

Sarang Burung 
Bird's Nest image from googleFifth foodstuffs is not foreign to Indonesia, although not all people want to eat it. Bird's nest is one of the most expensive food is also glimpsed by many to be a commercial enterprise. Usually the bird's nest soup is made or a sweetener in the food dish. But you may find more people to make bird's nest soup with ingredients.6. Fugu fish
Ikan Fugu
Fugu fishThis time we will discuss about the most expensive food ingredients as well as the world's deadliest. Many are also confused, lethal but expensive? Apparently there are many that we do not know. Fish is a food that has high nutritional value. However, what if we are going to eat the fugu fish. A small piece of fish fugu can kill an adult human. Hard to believe that this poisonous fish is one of the most expensive food in the world, especially in Japan and Korea. Yup, the price of one serving of fish is 10 500 yen.7. Goose liver
Hati Angsa
Goose liver image from FlickrThis seventh foodstuffs usually called the liver of poultry, especially geese. These materials are processed in the bird's body alive. Geese will be banyakmakanan through a tube inserted into his throat. Avian anatomy makes this method is actually painful to be safe and painless for them but do not try it at home! This method will make goose liver is enlarged and filled with fat. In France this material is also called Foei gras. Its texture is very soft like butter. Interested to try?If yes, then you should be prepared to spend deep because food prices are 100 Euros per ounce ato Rp. 1.250.000, -. To get the best taste, best eaten raw goose liver. If you want to cook it, make sure no more than 2 minutes because the texture will be different and the taste you get is also different.8. Lobster
Lobster Termahal
Lobster image from googleLobster is included in one of the most expensive foods in the world. These crustaceans have a very delicious flavor and distinctive aroma. It's hard enough to get the animal because of where they live in the rocks off the coast of the big wave slammed.Indonesia has vast marine and animal farming is also getting bigger, but still we need to spend quite deep because of the price per onsnya reached Rp. 300.000, -.9. Matsutake mushrooms
Jamur Matsutake
Matsutake mushroom image from FlickrMatsutake mushrooms one of the most important food in Japanese cuisine. Did you know that in Japan there is a cultural exchange and give the fungus. Well .. this is one of the mushrooms. Ever seen it? Of course I have ever eaten, but what? If you want to eat it, get ready for perforated bags for the price of this fungus, crude only $ 2000 per kilogram when in the rupiah to Rp. 18,000,000, -. Ya we have to import a fungus from Japan, Korea, and Canada. Can not eat this mushroom, it really does not matter we still have a mushroom. Hehehehehe ...10. Oyster

Oysters image from FlickrThis is the most expensive food in the world last. Oysters, hard-shelled soft animals are usually served just like that. This material is very well-known and most often used in French cuisine. Actually served raw in the open anyway .. just wrote diirisi lemon shells continue to be presented on a plate with ice cubes.

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