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Monday, March 19, 2012

10 Healthy Habits that Make Eager Morning

10 Healthy Habits that Make Eager Morning
Often many people who feel tired when you wake up in the morning and get out of bed lazy. Then the day will usually feel excited and feel tired easily.Surely there are ways to avoid it.I wonder what the morning habits that can make the day more excited?
Here are 10 healthy habits in the morning to make a vibrant all day Fitbie was quoted as saying on Monday (3/19/2012), among others:
1. Wake up earlyWaking up early is the key to break the routine in the morning. Wake up early to make the body feel fresh all day. If it is difficult to get up early, then you should be trying to sleep early.
2. Spend some time in the morning to prayPraying in the morning can bring tranquility and peace. By adding to pray as a routine in the morning can make the mind more positive and enthusiastic throughout the day.
3. MeditationMeditation made very good morning for ketengan mind and soul. Some of the benefits of meditation in the morning, including increased concentration, better health, and increased self-knowledge.
4. Visualize the futureThis activity will give give you the peace of the day and make it more resistant to stress when faced with negative things on that day.
5. Read or listen to motivationalBy reading or listening to motivational or inspirational stories that can make people think more positively.
6. Think of the impossibleLetting the rational mind to release or to explore the world of the impossible is the way to get a fresh and creative ideas.
7. Breakfast with nutritious foodBreakfast with a nutritious and balanced diet is important if your metabolism to run all day and so powerful.
8. SportThere are some great benefits of exercising in the morning. Exercise in the morning can increase your metabolism which helps to burn calories throughout the day.
9. Sharpen the brainSome fun activities to keep the sharpness of the brain, including work on crossword puzzles, quizzes and brain teasers.
10. Take time to prepare for the appearanceTake the time to prepare for the appearance before the start of activity can make the morning was quite pleasant and makes it more vibrant. 

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