Differences Headset, Headphone, Backphone, and Earphone
Many of us who might hitherto have not been able to distinguishbetween the headset, headphones, backphone, and earphones.
Equipment means the head headset. Headset is a device such asheadbands, have earplugs, and comes with a microphone. Headset isbest used when we play LAN games and online games, because byusing the headset, we can communicate with other players more freely.
Headphones are essentially not much different from the headset. Only,the headphones are not equipped with a microphone. Headphones are often used to listen to music from your PC.
As the name suggests, there is the word "back" which means the rear.Backphone basically have a similar shape such as headsets andheadphones. But how to use it mounted on the back of the head andthe speakers attached to the ear so as not to fall. The term is rarely heard backphone probably because it's a bit like a headphone.
Earphone speaker is a device that has a small speaker and used byclogging the ear hole. Earphones have a form that is simple and veryeasy to carry around. And the majority of mobile phone users must useearphones
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